wget https://cdn-mogdb.enmotech.com/mtk/v2.6.3/mtk_2.6.3_linux_amd64.tar.gz tar -xvf mtk_2.6.3_linux_amd64.tar.gz
Generate MTK trial license online
The trial license is valid for 1 month, and each email address can generate only one license. However, email addresses with the “enmotech.com” domain can generate licenses repeatedly. If clients wish to extend their trial of MTK beyond the initial month, they should contact Enmotech’s sales or pre-sales team to request an additional 1-month license.
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[kamus@altlinux10 mtk_2.6.3_linux_amd64]$ ./mtk license gen License File Not Found (default license.json) The License code is invalid, start applying ✔ Email: kamus@enmotech.com█ Start applying for email kamus@enmotech.com authorization. Start parsing the interface to return data. Successful application for authorization. Please check the mail and save it as license.json.
Upon receiving the email, upload the attached license.json file to the MTK directory. Then, use the command mtk -v to verify the license validation.
In this tutorial, we will migrate a sample schema “customer_orders” to MogDB. The scripts for Oracle can be downloaded from the db-sample-schemas repository on GitHub.
Modify the example MTK configuration file stored in the project_name_dir/config directory. Refer to the MTK documentation for detailed information on each parameter. The essential configuration sections for MTK are source, target, and object.
source section: This defines the connection to the source database. MTK needs to query the Oracle database dictionary to retrieve DDL. Therefore, it is typically recommended to use a DBA user, with the default system user being sufficient.
target section: This defines the connection to the target database.
object section: To migrate all objects within a schema, simply specify the schema name in the schemas section.
The mtk.json configuration file should look like this:
For this tutorial, we plan to migrate all objects in the “CO” schema from the Oracle database to the same user in MogDB. For testing purposes, we will not create a new database in MogDB. Instead, we will create a new user “co” in the default database, postgres.
Run the following command to create the user:
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[omm@altlinux10 ~]$ gsql -d postgres -p 26000 -r gsql ((MogDB 3.0.2 build 9bc79be5) compiled at 2022-09-1800:37:49 commit 0 last mr ) Non-SSL connection (SSL connection is recommended when requiring high-security) Type "help" for help.
MogDB=# create user co identified by "Enmo@123"; CREATE ROLE
Start migration
Now, we can start migration.
./mtk -c ora2mogdb/config/mtk.json
Check migration report
The migration result report will be generated in the project report directory, available in both plain text and HTML formats. For simplicity, I have included the text format result in this tutorial.
----------------------- ObjectName Type Summary -----------------------
+------------------+-------------------+-------------------+--------+-----------+-------------+-------------+-------------+--------------------|-------------+ | Type | StartTime | EndTime | Status | Total Num | Success Num | Warring Num | Failed Num |Failed(Invalid) Num | Time | +------------------+-------------------+-------------------+--------+-----------+-------------+-------------+-------------+--------------------|-------------+ |Schema |2022-09-24 15:12:36|2022-09-24 15:12:36|finish |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 |282 ms | |Sequence |2022-09-24 15:12:36|2022-09-24 15:12:36|finish |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |210 ms | |ObjectType |2022-09-24 15:12:36|2022-09-24 15:12:36|finish |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |356 ms | |Queue |2022-09-24 15:12:36|2022-09-24 15:12:37|finish |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |177 ms | |Table |2022-09-24 15:12:37|2022-09-24 15:12:47|finish |7 |7 |0 |0 |0 |9 s 952 ms | |TableData |2022-09-24 15:12:47|2022-09-24 15:12:53|finish |7 |7 |0 |0 |0 |6 s 743 ms | |Index |2022-09-24 15:12:53|2022-09-24 15:12:53|finish |7 |7 |0 |0 |0 |1 ms | |Constraint |2022-09-24 15:12:53|2022-09-24 15:12:53|finish |24 |23 |0 |1 |0 |51 ms | |DBLink |2022-09-24 15:12:53|2022-09-24 15:12:53|finish |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |67 ms | |View |2022-09-24 15:12:53|2022-09-24 15:12:54|finish |4 |2 |0 |2 |0 |723 ms | |MaterializedView |2022-09-24 15:12:54|2022-09-24 15:12:54|finish |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |138 ms | |Function |2022-09-24 15:12:54|2022-09-24 15:12:54|finish |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |113 ms | |Procedure |2022-09-24 15:12:54|2022-09-24 15:12:55|finish |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |109 ms | |Package |2022-09-24 15:12:55|2022-09-24 15:12:55|finish |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |77 ms | |Trigger |2022-09-24 15:12:55|2022-09-24 15:12:55|finish |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |404 ms | |Synonym |2022-09-24 15:12:55|2022-09-24 15:12:55|finish |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |74 ms | |TableDataCom |2022-09-24 15:12:55|2022-09-24 15:12:56|finish |7 |7 |0 |0 |0 |810 ms | |AlterSequence |2022-09-24 15:12:56|2022-09-24 15:12:56|finish |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |71 ms | |CollStatistics |2022-09-24 15:12:56|2022-09-24 15:12:56|finish |7 |7 |0 |0 |0 |29 ms | +------------------+-------------------+-------------------+--------+-----------+-------------+-------------+-------------+--------------------|-------------+
We can see that all tables and table data have been successfully migrated to MogDB without any errors. However, there is one failed constraint and two failed views.
The failed constraint is a JSON check constraint, which is not supported by MogDB.
The failed views are due to the grouping_id function and the json_table function, which are not yet implemented in MogDB ().
pq: function grouping_id(character varying, character varying) does not exist
pq: syntax error at or near “columns”
Check migration result
Run the sample queries to ensure that all the data has been migrated to MogDB without any errors.
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/* 5 products with the highest revenue With their corresponding order rank */ select p.product_name, count(*) number_of_orders, sum ( oi.quantity * oi.unit_price ) total_value, rank () over ( order by count(*) desc ) order_count_rank from products p join order_items oi on p.product_id = oi.product_id group by p.product_name order by sum ( oi.quantity * oi.unit_price ) desc fetch first 5 rows only;
MogDB=> select p.product_name, MogDB-> count(*) number_of_orders, MogDB-> sum ( oi.quantity * oi.unit_price ) total_value, MogDB-> rank () over ( MogDB(> order by sum ( oi.quantity * oi.unit_price ) desc MogDB(> ) revenue_rank MogDB-> from products p MogDB-> join order_items oi MogDB-> on p.product_id = oi.product_id MogDB-> group by p.product_name MogDB-> order by count(*) desc MogDB-> fetch first 5 rows only; product_name | number_of_orders | total_value | revenue_rank -----------------------+------------------+-------------+-------------- Girl's Trousers (Red) | 148 | 15794.76 | 1 Boy's Hoodie (Grey) | 100 | 3754.08 | 35 Men's Pyjamas (Blue) | 100 | 3274.61 | 36 Men's Coat (Red) | 98 | 4230.30 | 31 Boy's Socks (White) | 98 | 3081.12 | 38 (5 rows)
Migrating tables, table data, and indexes from Oracle to MogDB typically proceeds without issues. However, for views, procedures, functions, and packages, some modifications to the source code may be necessary. With the ongoing development of Oracle compatibility in MogDB, we believe that the need for such modifications will decrease over time, making the migration process from Oracle to MogDB even smoother.